Following the successful picnic at Lydiard park,we have arranged another picnic at Coate Water on the 31st Aug 11-11.30.Meet over by the play park "sand pit" Hope to see you there Sara
Friday, 16 July 2010
Hi everyone just a little reminder we are meeting at Lydiard Park on the 27th July 11 0 clock by the toilets See you there Sara
Inattention The child has a very short attention span, becomes bored and is easily distracted, forgets simple instructions, flits from task to taks without achieving anything and is best with one to one supervision.
Impulsiveness Poor impulse control, the child speaks and acts without thinking, has a short fuse, thoughtless rule-breaking and will not wait their turn.
Over-activity Excessive movements, especially in situations expecting calm such as classroom or mealtimes. The child is restless and constantly fidgets.
Insatiability The child is never satisfied, intrudes, demands, interrogates, nags, never lets a matter drop and they don't know when to back off.
The child is "out of tune" socially, acts silly in a crowd and misreads social cues doing or saying something quite inappropiate.
Poor Co-ordination The child is clumsy, has poor flow of movement and has difficulty doing two actions at the same time.
Disorganisation The child is blind to mess, compelled to touch everything and has problems structuring work. Messages sent from school never get home.
Variability The child suffers from mood swings, has good and bad days to the extreme
Specific Learning Disablities Examples are dyslexia, language problems, difficulties with reading, spelling, handwriting and mathematics
If all of the above are present but not the hyperactivity, then this can indicate ADD